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Bulls Back in Command

A report showing the U.S. economy was powering ahead with limited inflation before Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit was just what the doctor ordered for a frazzled stock market. The third-quarter report on gross domestic product easily trumped the day's other news -- an indictment in the Bush administration. (Source: The Street)
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Jeffrey Garten

Ben Bernanke, President George W.Bush's nominee to be the next Federal Reserve chairman, is an excellent choice - an exceptional economist, a past member of the Fed board, an independent thinker. But given his relative lack of real-world experience in financial markets, will he demonstrate the formidable global knowledge and international diplomatic skills that he will most definitely need? (Source: Financial Times)
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Land of the dead techs

While it hasn't been a pleasant year for well-known tech stocks, it hasn't been a complete bloodbath either...the 78 tech stocks in the S&P 500 are off an average of 5 percent. But then there are "The Others." (And I'm not talking about those mystery men and women on "Lost." What's up with the teddy bear, by the way?) They walk among us...the zombie tech stocks. (Source: CNN/Money)
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Principles Of Investing

We say this not just to discourage procrastination, but because an early start can make all the difference. In general, every six years you wait doubles the required monthly savings to reach the same level of retirement income. Another motivational statistic: If you contributed some amount each month for the next nine years, and then nothing afterwards, or if you contributed nothing for the first nine years, then contributed the same amount each month for the next 41 years, you would have about the same amount. Compounding is a beautiful thing.
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